Mr Ng Joo Siang
51, is the founding member, an Executive Director and the Chairman of the Company. He is the managing director and vice-chairman of the Hong Kong-listed parent company, Pacific Andes International Holdings Limited. He is also the executive director of the Company's indirect non-wholly owned Singapore listed subsidiary, China Fishery Group Limited. He is responsible for the formulation of corporate policies and strategies, and oversees the development, management and investments of the Group. He was appointed as Chairman to succeed the late Chairman Mr Ng Swee Hong on 30 March 2007.
Mr Ng graduated from Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana in the USA, majoring in international trade and finance. He has over 20 years of experience in the seafood and shipping industries.
Mr Ng is the son of Madam Teh Hong Eng and the brother of Mr Ng Joo Kwee, Mr Ng Joo Puay, Frank and Ms Ng Puay Yee.
Mr Ng Joo Puay, Frank
48, is the Managing Director of the Company, responsible for corporate planning and policy administration of the Group. He is also the executive director of the Hong Kong-listed parent Company, Pacific Andes International Holdings Limited. Mr Ng graduated from Loyola University in New Orleans, Louisiana, in the USA, majoring in business administration. He has over 20 years of experience in the seafood trading business. Prior to joining the Group in 1987, Mr Ng was a trading manager with a fish trading company in Taiwan for three years.
Mr Ng is the son of Madam Teh Hong Eng and the brother of Mr Ng Joo Siang, Mr Ng Joo Kwee and Ms Ng Puay Yee.
Madam Teh Hong Eng
75, is the Executive Director of the Company, responsible for general administration and strategic planning. She joined the Group in 1986 and has over 30 years' experience in administration and financial investments. She is also the chairperson of the Hong Kong-listed parent company, Pacific Andes International
Holdings Limited. Mdm Teh was last re-elected as a Director on 30 July 2009.
Madam Teh is the mother of Mr Ng Joo Siang, Mr Ng Joo Kwee, Mr Ng Joo Puay, Frank and Ms Ng Puay Yee.
Mr Ng Joo Kwee
50, is the Executive Director of the Company. He is the executive chairman of the Company's indirect non-wholly owned Singapore listed subsidiary, China Fishery Group Limited. He is also the executive director of the Hong Kong-listed parent company, Pacific Andes International Holdings Limited. He oversees the sourcing, sales and marketing activities of the Group. Mr Ng received education in the USA at Southeastern Louisiana University in Hammond, Louisiana. Between 1983 and 1989, he was president of a seafood trading and fishing company in Taiwan. In 1989, Mr Ng joined the Group as General Manager of its China operations. In 1994, Mr Ng resigned from the Company, but rejoined in March 1996 and was last re-elected a Director on 31 July 2007.
Mr Ng is the son of Madam Teh Hong Eng and the brother of Mr Ng Joo Siang, Mr Ng Joo Puay, Frank and Ms Ng Puay Yee.
Mr Bertie Cheng Shao Shiong
73, was appointed as an Independent Director of the Company on 29 December 1997. He was appointed as the Chairman of the Audit Committee with effect from 27 January 2006.
Mr Cheng holds and has held directorships in various companies, listed and unlisted. Currently, he is the Chairman of TeleChoice International Limited and Non-Executive Chairman of Tee International Limited. He is also a Director of Hong Leong Finance Limited, Thomson Medical Centre Limited and CFM Holdings Limited. His past directorship over the preceding three years in other listed companies are SHC Capital Ltd, Singapore Petroleum Company Ltd and Westech Electronic Limited.
Mr Cheng holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Economics (Honours) from the University of Malaya in Singapore. He received the Public Administration Medal (Silver) in 1984 and the Public Service Medal in 2001. He also received the Friend of Labour Award from the National Trade Union Congress (NTUC) in 2008.
Mr Cheng was last re-elected as a Director on 30 July 2008.
Lieutenent-General (Retired) Ng Jui Ping
62, was appointed as an Independent Director of the Company and the Chairman of the Nominating and Remuneration Committees of the Company on 27 January 2006.
General Ng had a distinguished 30-year military career culminating in the position of Chief of Defence Force from 1992 to 1995 and before that, Chief of Army, Singapore from 1990 to 1992. He was conferred numerous awards in his military career for distinguished service to Singapore, including the Meritorious Service Medal (Military) in 1995. He has also been conferred prestigious awards by many countries for his contributions. After his retirement from the Armed Forces, the General took up the entrepreneurial route and listed the company he co-founded on the Singapore Exchange (SGX) Mainboard in January 2000. He now heads his own business consulting company, and sits on selected Company Boards. Currently, he sits as Independent Director of two SGX mainboard listed companies, namely Singapore Shipping Corporation Limited and Yanlord Land Group Limited. His past directorships over the preceding three years in other listed companies are PSA International Pte Ltd, Eunetworks Group Limited and Unisteel Technology Limited.
General Ng holds a Master of Arts degree in History from Duke University, USA. He also completed the Advanced Management Programme at Harvard Business School, Harvard University, USA.
General Ng was last re-elected as a Director on 22 January 2010.
Mr Chew Hai Chwee
55, was appointed as an Independent Director and a member of the Audit and Remuneration Committees of the Company on 22 November 2010.
Mr. Chew has spent the last 25 years working for Asian and US multinationals with listing on the Singapore Exchange (SGX) and NASDAQ in USA where he was primarily responsible for various business functions and responsibilities including compliance, audit, mergers and acquisitions, corporate governance and international finance.
Currently, he has his own consultancy and investment firm. He is also a director in various listed and unlisted companies. Mr. Chew acts as an independent director on the board of Stratech Systems Limited, a listed company on the SGX and WWF-World Wide Fund for Nature-Singapore (a non-profit organization) with headquarters in Gland, Switzerland. His past directorships for the last five years in other listed companies are Pacific Internet Limited (listed on NASDAQ) and United Fiber System Limited (listed on the SGX).
Mr. Chew holds a First Class Honours degree in accounting and MBA in
Business from University of South Alabama, USA.
Ng Puay Yee, Jessie
38, was appointed as an Alternate Director to Madam Teh Hong Eng on 15 March 2002. She is also an executive director of the parent company, Pacific Andes International Holdings Limited. She is responsible for global sourcing as well as international sales and marketing of frozen seafood products to markets out of the
PRC, as well as sustainability and environmental matters. Graduated from the Indiana University of Bloomington, USA. Ms. Ng joined the Group in 1995. She is an active member of the young business leaders' community, having served on the board of the Entrepreneurs' Organization Hong Kong chapter for the past 6 years and was the first Chapter Chairlady in 2008/09.
Ms Ng is the daughter of Madam Teh Hong Eng and the sister of Mr Ng Joo Siang, Mr Ng Joo Kwee and Mr Ng Joo Puay, Frank.
Chan Tak Hei
41, was appointed as an Alternate Director to Mr Ng Joo Kwee on 15 March 2002. He is also the finance director of the Company's indirect non-wholly owned Singapore-listed subsidiary, China Fishery Group Limited. Mr Chan graduated from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University with a bachelor degree in accountancy and is a fellow member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Prior to joining the Group in 1995, he worked with an international accounting firm for more than four years.